Once an applicant is approved to sit for the exam and H&W has received the applicant's examination fee, H&W will send the applicant a voucher number via email. Applicants must have this voucher number before contacting a Kryterion Host Locations to schedule a testing appointment. Appointments are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis; therefore, applicants should schedule an appointment as soon as possible after receiving a voucher number. Delays in scheduling may result in an applicant not being able to make an appointment at a preferred test site or preferred test date. Applicants should report any problems in scheduling a testing appointment to Kryterion as soon as possible.


Kryterion Host Locations can be located by checking this link: http://www.kryteriononline.com/Locate-Test-Center


PRPC examinations are administered by computerized testing. The examination questions are presented on computers and applicants provide their responses using a mouse or keyboard. Approved applicants should contact Kryterion as soon as possible once they have their voucher code to schedule a testing appointment. Applicants may take the test on any day that it is offered during the testing window, provided that there is space at the Kryterion test center of choice.


Applicants will have 240 minutes to complete the certification exam. Applicants may take short restroom breaks while sitting for the exam, however the 240 minute time limit will not stop during such breaks. Applicants will not be allowed to access any cell phones, computers, tablets, books, or any personal items during such restroom breaks.


Test Center Administrators are required to report any irregular behavior by an applicant during the examination. Evidence of unethical behavior, cheating or subversion of the exam will result in the applicant being deemed ineligible for certification and his/her fees will not be refunded.


Passing applicants may begin using the credential designation after their name on business cards, email signatures, and professional correspondence. Passing applicants will also receive an official certificate identifying them as a Certified Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner.


Applicants raw exam scores are not reported on the score reports to prevent misuse of the scores.