Pelvic Physical Therapy

Pelvic Physical Therapy

Herman & Wallace provides Pelvic Physical Therapy courses for physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurse practitioners, and other rehabilitation professionals seeking evidence-based training for treating pelvic floor dysfunction and related conditions of the pelvis, hip, and spine. Explore the options below to learn more about our continuing education seminars. For a list of all Herman & Wallace courses currently available for registration, click here.

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Herman & Wallace continuing education courses are developed, and instructed, by our nationally-recognized faculty members, and take place throughout the United States. Contact hours vary by course, and apply towards continuing education requirements according to each state.

Pelvic Physical Therapy

Don't see a course in your preferred location? Consider hosting a course at your clinic

We are always interested in hearing from sites that would like to host a Herman & Wallace continuing education course. If you want to host, tell us a little about your space and let us know what course(s) interest you.