Many of the courses offered by Herman & Wallace include hands-on learning, called labs. At lab courses, we require experienced therapists to assist the instructor in guiding participants through the hands-on component, called teaching assistants or lab technicians. Teaching Assistants are compensated for their time with course credit, earn CEUs, and have previously completed education in order to be qualified to assist others in learning new skills. Below are the requiremnts for assisting at our satellite lab courses.
Pelvic Function Series
- Pelvic Function Level 1: Prior completion of PF1, 2A, and 2B OR 2C through H&W, plus a minimum of one year of pelvic clinical experience (with pelvic patients comprising at least 25% of case load)
- Pelvic Function Level 2A: Prior completion of PF1, 2A, and 2B OR 2C through H&W, plus a minimum of one year of pelvic clinical experience (with pelvic patients comprising at least 25% of case load)
- Pelvic Function Level 2B: Prior completion of PF1, 2A, and 2B through H&W, plus a minimum of one year of pelvic clinical experience (with pelvic patients comprising at least 25% of case load)
- Pelvic Function Level 2C: Prior completion of PF1, 2A, and 2C or the former Male Pelvic Floor course (post-2016) through H&W, plus a minimum of one year of pelvic clinical experience (with pelvic patients comprising at least 25% of case load)
- Pelvic Function Capstone: Prior completion of PF1, 2A, and 2B OR 2C, and Capstone through H&W plus a minimum of one year of pelvic clinical experience (with pelvic patients comprising at least 25% of case load)
- Modalities and Pelvic Function: Prior completion of this course, plus completion of PF1 in 2019 or earlier.
Fascial Mobilization Series
- Mobilization of the Myofascial Layer: Prior completion of this course plus Pelvic Function Level 1.
- Mobilization of Visceral Fascia 1: Urinary System: Prior completion of this course plus one other Fascial Mobilization course (Reproductive or GI course)
- Mobilization of Visceral Fascia 2: Reproductive System: Prior completion of Level 1: Urinary System and Level 2: Reproductive System
- Mobilization of Visceral Fascia: GI System: Prior completion of this course plus one other Fascial Mobilization course (Urinary or Reproductive)
Rehabilitative UltraSound Series
- Rehabilitative UltraSound Imaging: Orthopedic Topics Prior completion of this course plus two clinical years experience using rehabilitative US.
- Rehabilitative UltraSound Imaging: Women's Health and Orthopedic Topics Prior completion of this course, Pelvic Function Level 1, plus two clinical years experience using rehabilitative US.
The above represent minimal qualifications. In order to apply, interested therapists should complete the application process and submit a resume through the Teaching Assistant Platform.